About Us
The primary purpose of the Map Department is to keep the County tax parcels updated for the Guernsey County Auditor for tax appraisal purposes. We check all deeds that are transferring and have been submitted by attorneys, banks, and title agencies. Documents are checked for accuracy to follow the transfer requirements set forth by the County Auditor and Engineer. All new surveys are submitted to our office by registered surveyors. We are also responsible for pre approving Sheriff sale foreclosures. An abstract card file and database consisting of approximately 40,000 property owners is maintained daily with the volume and pages of deed references when properties are transferred. We assist the County Auditors Office with all deed transfers. Descriptions of all territories to be annexed to various corporations and villages within the County are reviewed by the Map Department.
Our office assigns all new house numbers and keeps the MSAG (Master Street Address Guide) updated for 911. We work with all 3 phone companies in our county to assure all of their customers are in the MSAG, but mainly with Verizon, the host phone company for 911. The LBRS (Location Based Response System) is maintained in our office. The green reflective house numbers signs are sold in our office.
We also meet with the trustees from all 19 townships and the County Engineer to report their road inventories and certifications to the State of Ohio Department of Transportation. All new roads established and vacated street, road, and alley descriptions are checked by our department. All new township and county road numbers and names are assigned by our office. The County road map is revised by the department and is updated periodically when the supply demands.
The Geographic Information System (GIS) division of the Map Department integrates hardware, software and data necessary to store, analyze, manage and present all types of geographical data. The GIS works directly with county offices including Engineer, Sheriff, Fire Departments, First Responders and Emergency Management. GIS also provides services to the Oil & Gas Industry, Forestry, realtors and developers.
We are also agents for the Guernsey County Planning Commission which is responsible for all new land development and work directly with developers, surveyors and the public to assure the rules of the Planning Commission are understood and followed.
Also, preliminary work for the Census Bureau is completed by our staff. Copies of historic tax maps, road maps, abstract cards, aerial photography are available online or in our office.